Nomsa Sigudla, 2018 Adult Winner (Maphalaleni, Hhohho)
- Having won the competition, Nomsa Sigudla has become a sought-after businesswoman, gaining ample opportunities with institutions such as the EU, UN and Taiwanese government to motivate and empower other women farmers
- She continues to grow her business by accessing new markets, including supplying schools with her produce, and diversifying her business. While she won through her maize production venture, she now also produces vegetables and legumes.
- She was elected as the chairperson for the Ensigweni Multipurpose Cooperative, a farming cooperative. She also leads a cooperative of 15 youth, GNS Multipurpose Cooperative, assisting them to run business ventures for improved livelihoods.
- Through the competition, Sigudla has strengthened her business acumen beyond agriculture. She assisted women to attain equipment and training on sowing. Through that venture, the women supply schools and businesses with uniforms.
- The lessons she learned on food safety and Global GAP have really improved her community as she also teaches community members on the importance of keeping one’s environment hygienic and neat. She has supported tree growing initiatives. She encourages her community to grow fruit trees, flowers and keep the area beautiful. This has greatly reduced littering in the area.
- The effects of the climate crisis remain a great concern for Sigudla, although she feels better equipped to deal with such impacts having undergone training.